The New York Times…

A story about the Polaris Project has just been posted to Andy Revkin’s Dot Earth blog at the New York Times.  I think it is safe to say that Revkin is generally considered to be the top science journalist in the US, and of course the New York Times has a vast readership, so we’re really excited about this!  As you’ll see, the team in Siberia did a lot of work to help with the story.

You can get to Revkin’s story here.


  1. betsy says

    BRAVO! This is really terrific. Not only is it great publicity; it is also exciting information, so well presented that the reader/viewer gets some sense of the enormity of the project. WELL DONE

  2. Nancy Cedar says

    Congratulations Polaris Team on receiving the publicity this project deserves! Erin, your Grandpa Cedar is smiling down on you……The New York Times!!! His most treasured link with the world! 🙂

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