
Well, after months of planning and anticipation, the Polaris Project expedition to Siberia begins today. Congratulations to everyone for all of the work that has gotten us confidently to this point.  I greatly regret that I won’t be traveling with the group this year, though my regret is tempered by the fact that I’ll instead by spending my time with my daughter Sophie Jane (who is 8 days old today!) and family. I will, however, be with the expedition in spirit and electronically!

Sophie Jane Holmes on her birthday (24 June 2009)

Sophie Jane Holmes on her birthday (24 June 2009)- she is 8 days old today!

The project runs collaboratively and decisions in general are made collaboratively.  In my absence, John Schade will assume final responsibility for the group during travel to and from Cherskiy and will make decisions jointly with Sergey Zimov once in Cherskiy. You are in very good hands – my only concern is whether I’ll get my job back next year!

Andy Bunn and Chris Linder have done a tremendous job revamping and updating the Polaris Project website, including integration with Facebook and Twitter.  We were very pleased with the large number of people that followed the expedition via the website last year and have high hopes that even more will do so this year.  Please participate – follow the blog and photo gallery, ask questions and make comments, and try to get a glimpse of the experience that the Polaris Project students and faculty are having undertaking a scientific endeavor in the Siberian Arctic.

To the Polaris Project Students and Faculty:

Onward!  Be safe, have fun, learn as much as possible – scientifically, socially, and culturally.  There will be times when you are incredible tired, uncomfortable, and questioning “what the—- am I doing”, but you are embarking on a remarkable experience that will likely change your outlook on many things.  Revel in the experience.

All the best!

Max Holmes

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