Equipment at the Northeast Science Station

The Kolyma River watershed is one of earth’s most important regions because of the vast amount of ancient carbon currently stored in its permafrost.  The Northeast Science Station, near Cherskiy Siberia, is ideally suited for studying this remarkable region.  Though the Northeast Science Station was founded over 2 decades ago, in recent years the laboratory facilities at the Station have been greatly upgraded.  These facilities are available for Polaris Project investigators and other NSF funded researchers, as well as international and Russian scientists.   Below is a list of recent equipment acquisitions.  You can also download a pdf with further information or view an earlier post with other details.

Samples awaiting dissolved organic carbon analysis


Shimadzu Total Carbon and Total Nitrogen Analyzer (TOC-V)

Shimadzu UV-1800 Spectrophotometer

Horiba FluoroMax-4 Spectrofluorometer

Biotek Microplate Spectrophotometer (PowerWave XS2)

Turner Trilogy Fluorometer

SNOL Muffle Furnace #1

SNOL Muffle Furnace #2

SNOL Drying Oven #1

SNOL Drying Oven #2

Stereo Microscope (Optica SZR-10)

Balance (Ohaus Discovery)

Vacuum Pump (Gast)

Centrifuge (Hermle Z206A)

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