Documenting science in action

Thanks Andy for that great introduction. I’m very excited to join the team. I thought I would take this opportunity to introduce myself and talk about my role on the expedition.

I am a science/nature photographer and researcher. I work part-time for the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in the Department of Physical Oceanography and the rest of the time as a freelance photographer. Since 2002 I have worked mainly in the Arctic and Antarctic documenting science expeditions. My goal is to explain science to the general public using photographs–and just as importantly, to let them know what fun science can be! Learn more about what I do on my website.

On this trip I will be collecting not only still photographs, but also video and audio (both b-roll of the environment and interviews). On the barge, I will be working with Andy to craft “Science stories,” slideshows that explain the “how” of the science that goes on in Cherskiy. Once I get back, I will take those thousands and photos and hours of audio and video and make a single 10-minute multimedia show, much like this one.

Back to packing!  -Chris

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